Tank Cleaning
There are thousands of both large and small oil tanks in Norway. A majority of these are underground tanks, making it difficult to regularly inspect their condition. Underground oil tanks are exposed to corrosion, which could lead to leaks that might contaminate the ground surrounding the tank.
Problems of operating oil fired plants can occur due to sludge builds up over time in the bottom of the tank. Because of this, regular cleaning and inspection of oil tanks is crucial. Norsk Spesialolje can offer fixed prices including; transportation, vacuum truck, receiving and handling fees for the waste, the environmental tax for Miljødirektoratet and required reports to the municipality. On large projects, the price will be determined after more thorough inspection.
Oil/Water Separators
Call us: +47 45 87 10 80
Contact us
NSO Årvoll
Årvollskogen 69
1529 Moss
Phone: +47 45 87 10 80
E-mail: post@spesialolje.no
NSO Bamble
Herreveien 797
3962 Stathelle
Phone: +47 97 53 83 98
E-mail: bamble@spesialolje.no
Laboratoriet NSO Bamble
Herreveien 797
3962 Stathelle
Phone: +47 98 90 18 66
E-mail: bamble@spesialolje.no
Norsk Spesialolje renovates oil/ water separators. Oil/water separators have to be regularly renovated to prevent oil and chemicals discharging into the public sewage system. This in turn will create complications for the public water treatment plants. Norsk Spesialolje offers their clients contracts where we take care of monitoring and renovation of the oil/water separators at a competetive fixed price. This is done in accordance with government requirements for disposal and reported to the municipality.