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About Norsk Spesialolje AS (NSO)

​Norsk Spesialolje AS (NSO) was founded in 1984 and still has the same main shareholder as at its foundation. Since then, the company has developed into the country's leading company in the reception and treatment of waste oil and oil-contaminated water.

NSO is a company within the Norwegian hazardous waste system. Norsk Spesialolje AS is a wholly owned subsidiary of NSO AS, which has its administration in Oslo.


Norsk Spesialolje AS established itself at Kambo in 1984. The tank farm that was put into operation was built in 1962 by the American oil company Getty Oil. The plant has treated large quantities of waste oil and other types of hazardous waste such as contaminated water and glycol for a period of 35 years. The plant at Kambo was the start of a technological development in the evaporation of contaminated water from waste oil operations and formed the basis for further developing evaporation to also include other types of contaminated water from several sources.

The plant in Bamble started up in December 2014. The plant was established to evaporate contaminated water on a large scale based on the utilization of waste heat from the neighboring company Ineos. Waste oil treatment was also further developed at this plant. A significant tank farm was also built in Bamble for the storage of waste oil and contaminated water (around 28,000m3). You can read more about the technology behind the water treatment plant here

The plant at Kambo was closed in 2020 and the site was completely rezoned for the construction of approximately 650 residential units, of which 134 have been put into use by the end of 2024. NSO Eiendom AS is the owner and housing developer of the area now called Sjøhagen Brygge. Tanks / equipment, staff and vehicle fleet were transferred to the new facility in the Mosse district; Norsk Spesialolje AS department Årvoll. which was put into operation in October 2019.



The facility at Årvoll (Moss) is a clean reception facility with a tank capacity of approx. 2500 m3.

This facility receives and temporarily stores waste oil, glycol, contaminated water and liquids with a low flash point (such as gasoline). Received waste undergoes sampling and analysis before being sent to approved and appropriate downstream solutions.

Norsk Spesialolje AS has laboratories at both the Bamble and Årvoll facilities. The laboratories function as operational laboratories and have reception control as their most important work area. In addition, the laboratory in Bamble is a contract laboratory for external customers, and is accredited by the Norwegian Accreditation Board in accordance with NS EN ISO-IEC 17025.

Norsk Spesialolje AS has a vehicle department consisting of vacuum and tank trucks for services in the market (transport, emptying and cleaning of oil separators and sand traps, tank cleaning, etc.).

Norsk Spesialolje AS focuses on performing reception and treatment with high quality and focus on HSE.

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​Lubricating oil

Waste oil

Wastewater treatment

NSO entered an existing market for the collection of used lubricating oils and other waste oils. Several independent transporters collected waste oils that were transported directly to end users such as horticulture, the cement industry and Reginol at Furuset, which was a re-refining plant that produced new lubricating oil. NSO rented the tank facility at Kambo, established a laboratory, developed its own sampler and set up several small receiving tanks that made it possible to isolate contaminated oil for which suppliers had to pay. This, together with the tightening of the authorities' requirements, made it possible to incinerate waste oils in the paper industry, which was willing to pay a much higher price than others.

Reginol went bankrupt and NSO now supplies used lubricating oils to Avista, which is a re-refining plant in Denmark in which NSO was previously the main shareholder. Other waste oils are currently incinerated in industrial companies that have strict requirements for quality control and flue gas cleaning. Increasingly stringent requirements were also placed on the water content of the waste oil to be incinerated. NSO developed methods for effectively reducing the water content and purifying the water that was drained from the waste oil. Evaporators and a biological plant were purchased that purified the water to a quality that satisfied the emission requirements at Kambo. The process was energy-intensive and it was unprofitable to treat other water volumes than those generated from waste oil.


Flytting fra Kambo

Nytt anlegg Årvoll, Moss

Nytt anlegg Rønningen, Bamble

Dette tidsrommet bestod av store endringer og tunge investeringer for NSO. Det tidligere tankanlegget på Kambo ble avviklet og det ble bygget to nye anlegg som erstatning. Tomten på Kambo ble omregulert til boligformål. Det nye anlegget på Årvoll som ble ferdigstilt i 2020, ble bygd som et refusjonsanlegg for brukte smøreoljer og for mottak av andre spilloljer, glykol og forurenset vann. Anlegget i Bamble ble bygget som et mottaks- og behandlingsanlegg for termisk behandling og filtrering av spillolje, og for inndamping og biologisk rensing av forurenset vann i stor skala og med spillvarme som energikilde.


Utvidet kapasitet vannrensing

NSO utvider kapasiteten for inndamping ytterligere for å møte et stort behov for håndtering av sterkt forurenset vann. Den totale kapasiteten på inndamping av vann blir da rundt 70,000 tonn i året

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